Submissions open from February 1st to March 1st.

For the next issue of the magazine, Metamorphosis is the theme you'll need to reflect on.  In the words of Meryem Yildiz, our poetry editor :

“Metamorphosis! Celebrate personal growth, self-discovery, and the ever-evolving identity. We're looking for your poems, short stories, essays and artwork on transformative experiences, not just the glitz but the grit too. Reflect on cocoon-like life moments and illustrate the beauty of growth in the unique landscape of queer experiences and beyond. We want your distinct takes that unveil the lesser-known sides of metamorphosis—those raw, real, and resilient moments. From the challenges to the triumphs, dive into significant rites of passage, spill the tea on coming of age or midlife renaissance, and share your liberating journey into authenticity”

We are seeking submissions of poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and visual art for this issue. We are wide open to weirdness and we want to have fun — invite us into your labyrinth. We prioritize queer and marginalized creators, but welcome any and all submissions.

LBRNTH uses Duosuma for submissions. Please read through our specific guidelines below and when you’re ready to submit click the button at the bottom of the page to continue. 

LBRNTH acquires First Serial Rights and the right to archive your work on our website, though copyright reverts to the author upon publication. After it has been published with us you are free to take your work elsewhere, but must give us proper credit. We do accept simultaneous submissions, however if it is accepted elsewhere you must inform us immediately so your submission may be withdrawn. We do not accept previously published work. Response times vary between 1-3 months.

We are committed to highlighting underrepresented/marginalized voices, including creators who are Indigenous, Black, Disabled, and/or 2SLGBTQIA+ (you can add this info at the end of your bio in parentheses if you’re not willing to share that info publicly).

* Please note that if you have been published with us, we ask you to allow one publication to pass before submitting again.

Category is

  • Poetry

    Please send in 1-4 poems only, and no longer than 6 pages. Multiple works should be submitted as a single document (12-point font in a .DOC or .DOCX only), where each poem must be separated onto a new page with the title at the top of the page.

  • Fiction/Nonfiction

    Please send in only one story per submission with a maximum of 3500 words (Times New Roman 12-point font in a .DOC or .DOCX only). We are open to any genre of story. If you are submitting flash fiction (2000 words or less) you may submit up to 2 stories. The title of your work should appear at the top of the first pages, or for flash fiction at the top of each page where a new story begins.

  • Visual Art

    Visual art should meet the following guidelines for dimensions: minimum 800×800 JPG or PNG. You’ll also be asked to include an artist statement about the piece(s), including all necessary information (year, materials, etc). You can send up to 10 pieces in your submission.

Submission Fees

Submissions are free! We want to keep submissions to Labyrinth Anthologies as accessible as possible and so we’re not asking for any submission fees whatsoever. We do request considering making a donation or adding a tip when you submit  to help keep this process free for everyone.


Contributors will receive one copy of the anthology in which they appear (if you are outside of Canada or the US, you’ll receive a digital copy)